

Unlocking the Healing Power of Foam Rolling in Hollywood, Florida

Sports Chiropractor

Foam rolling is a simple yet incredibly effective self-care technique that can bring relief to many Hollywood, Florida residents dealing with muscular discomfort and tension. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast, a desk-bound professional, or someone seeking pain relief, foam rolling can offer you a wealth of benefits. In this blog, we’ll explore the advantages of foam rolling and how this practice can be particularly beneficial for the active community in sunny Hollywood, Florida.

The Healing Benefits of Foam Rolling

  • Relief for Active Lifestyles in Hollywood, Florida:
    • For the active Hollywood resident, the sunshine and beautiful beaches of Florida beckon for outdoor activities. But physical activities often come with muscle soreness and tightness. Foam rolling is a fantastic way to alleviate post-exercise muscle tension, allowing you to make the most of your active lifestyle.
  • Pain Reduction and Prevention
    • Foam rolling can help reduce chronic pain associated with conditions like lower back pain, IT band syndrome, and plantar fasciitis. It’s also an excellent preventive measure to avoid injuries before they occur.
  • Enhanced Flexibility and Range of Motion:
    • Improved flexibility and mobility are essential for enjoying outdoor sports and activities in Hollywood, such as surfing or beach volleyball. Foam rolling can help break up muscle adhesions, resulting in greater range of motion and fewer movement restrictions.
  • Stress Reduction:
    • Hollywood, Florida, offers a vibrant and active lifestyle, but it can also be demanding. Foam rolling can provide a therapeutic, stress-reducing effect, calming the nervous system and promoting relaxation.
  • Quick Recovery:
    • After a day at Hollywood Beach or a rigorous workout at a local gym, foam rolling can accelerate muscle recovery. It enhances blood circulation, delivering essential nutrients to tired muscles, while simultaneously removing waste products.

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10 Health Habits That You Should Adopt This New Year!



  • Being that we all live near Hallandale Beach, hydration is particularly important given the humid weather we experience during most of the year.
  • Most men should be drinking roughly 3.5 liters of water daily and women should be drinking 2.5 liters of water daily. If you are physically active and/or are consuming caffeine/alcohol, this number should be even higher.
  • Additionally, adding electrolytes to your water can also help aid in hydration if you are sweating frequently throughout the day.

Get Sunlight

  • Fortunately for most of us near Hallandale Beach, sunlight is no problem! We have access to the sun almost every day of the year.
  • Spending ~20 minutes in the sun is generally enough to get your daily vitamin D requirement
  • Do not spend too much time in the sun without sunscreen!

Hit Some Weights

  • Resistance Training 2-4x/week can help keep your joints and muscles strong as you age
  • Weight training has a number of metabolic and cognitive benefits
  • Be sure to incorporate a variety of movement patterns including squat, bend, push, pull, carry

Elevate your heart rate a few times per week

  • Beyond just walking and resistance training, performing higher intensity exercise that raises your heart rate has a number of cardiovascular and metabolic benefits
  • Think high-intensity intervals using sprinting, rowing, biking, or bodyweight exercises
  • Be sure to consult your physician before commencing high-intensity training!

Supplement with Omega 3s

  • Supplementing with Omega 3 Fatty acids is important because most individuals do not get enough Omega 3’s in their diet
  • Omega 3’s have been shown to lower the likelihood of atherosclerosis, reduce triglycerides, and lower blood pressure
  • Omega 3’s can be consumed via Salmon, Shrimp, Chia/Hemp Seeds, Walnuts and Kidney Beans

Move throughout your day

  • Many jobs these days require long hours seated on a computer, if you fall into this category, make sure to move your body every hour!
  • Going for walks, stretching, or performing bodyweight exercises all can help prevent joint/muscle tension from developing due to extended postures
  • There are numerous cognitive benefits to performing exercises during the workday including improved working memory and cognitive flexibility

Eat Whole Foods

  • Regardless of your diet preferences (omnivore, pescatarian, vegetarian, vegan), it is important that the majority of the foods you consume come from whole foods
  • Often times when foods are heavily processed they lack the vital nutrients that are used to help your body’s machinery run efficiently
  • Eating non-processed foods is beneficial to nearly every organ in your body, including your brain, heart, digestive organs, and skin

Pick up a New Hobby

  • Having hobbies outside of your work life can be a great stress reliever and provide your mind some need rest and relaxation
  • Learning new skills helps preserve your brain and prevent disorders such as Alzheimer’s and dementia later in life
  • Try picking one hobby that challenges you physically, one that challenges your cognitively, and one that challenges you creatively

Protect your sleep

  • One of the most underutilized health and recovery habits we see in the clinic is sleep
  • Sleep is your body’s most powerful tool to enhance physical and mental recovery and there is no other modality that can replace it!
  • If you are unable to get 7-9 hours of sleep per night, look to take a short nap (20-60min) throughout your day to pay off that sleep debt!


  • Excessive screen time (laptop, phone, tablet, television) has been linked to depression, anxiety, and “cognitive clouding”
  • Being immersed in technology 24/7 will overload your nervous system with input is damaging for your eyes, ears, and the areas of your brain that are involved in focus, memory, and cognition
  • Unplugging occasionally will allow you to pursue other meaningful activities such as a hobby, being in nature, exercise, or high-quality sleep

If you are interested in learning more about how chiropractic care can set you on a path to a healthier and happier lifestyle, please feel free to reach out to your Hollywood Chiropractor below!

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How to prepare your Body for Combat Sports

martial arts

Have a Purpose for Each Session

Combat Sports are tough and physical, and while it may be tempting to push yourself to the limit on every session, in the long run, this approach will hinder your ability to excel in the long term.boxing

Periodizing both the content and intensity of the session are important when structuring a week of training. For example, performing hard sparring 6 days a week will certainly result in overtraining and likely injury as well. A more appropriate approach may be to have 2 light/technical sessions during the week, 2 moderate/conditioning sessions, and 2 hard/sparring sessions. Splitting the week up this way will allow you to spend certain periods of the week on technical proficiency and others practicing the sport in a live situation.

Additionally, working on different aspects of your sport throughout the week will help prevent overuse and allow for higher intensity in each session. If, for example, a kickboxer works only on throwing hooks throughout the week, the shoulders, elbows, and wrists may take the excessive strain. Alternatively, making some days more boxing heavy and other days more kick heavy can spread the weekly volume throughout the body.


Incorporate Strength Training

Because combat sports competitions are generally centered around weight classes, there has been a bit of a stigma against weight training for combat sports athletes for fear of excessive weight gain or slowing down an athlete. What these athletes don’t consider, however, is that strength training does not necessarily equate to weight gain and can significantly improve an athlete’s durability.

When an athlete is competing in a sport that does involve weight classes, it is pertinent that he or she fills out that weight class with lean muscle tissue as much as possible. Even if you are comfortable at your current body weight, strength training (particularly in a lower rep range) can allow you to become stronger without gaining any size.

Additionally, strength training plays a critical role in injury prevention. Putting external load on your body in the form of resistance training improves the strength of your muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments while also enhancing joint durability. By regularly exposing your soft tissues to load, you reduce the likelihood of these tissues becoming strained or torn.


weight training

Prioritize Sleep

Most individuals are aware that proper sleep quality and quantity are important for the body to recover physically and mentally but for combat athletes, sleep is non-negotiable. Combat sports are both very physically taxing as well as psychologically. Getting onto a jiu-jitsu mat, into a boxing ring, or into an octagon requires a high level of mental toughness as well as psychological prowess.

Because the stakes are so high in combat sports, it is extremely important that an individual take advantage of proper sleep to ensure that they are mentally sharp during every practice. In the world of combat sports, a mental lapse can mean the difference between getting punching in the face, strangled, or getting away safely.

Sleep will also aid in the muscular and nervous system to recover from hard bouts of training. Not only is tough, contact training hard on the body but also on the nervous system. Being in a combative situation usually leads to an increased sympathetic response from the nervous system (think fight or flight). This heightened state of awareness needs to offset with long bouts of parasympathetic activity (rest and digest), which can be provided by high-quality sleep.


Ensure Proper Nutrition and HydrationNutrition

One of the best ways to keep the body healthy and free from unwanted inflammation is to make good nutritional choices. Eating lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats will ensure that your body has the proper fuel that it needs for every training session.

Caloric intake is also a critical piece of the nutrition equation when it comes to combat athletes with a high volume of training. While some, select individuals feel better keeping carbohydrate intake to a minimum, this macronutrient is responsible for providing your body with usable energy to be burned during training and daily activities. Carbohydrates are best consumed before and after training and both fuel the workout and allow you to recover from training.

Combat sports athletes are notorious for long training sessions and multiple sessions per day. This means that not only are their bodies losing a lot of water but electrolytes as well. If an athlete is training for more than 90 minutes per day, it is imperative that he or she include electrolytes in their re-hydration beverage to ensure that not only water but minerals are properly replenished.


Listen to your body

As an athlete or even an avid-hobbyist, it is sometimes too easy to ignore your body and “train through pain”. This approach, unfortunately, leads to a number of nagging injuries as well as a significantly increased likelihood of serious injury that can take you out of training for months. If you are experiencing consistent or worsening pain in an area of your body, it is always better to have the area checked out by a professional, rather than waiting until it is too late.


If you are a combat sports participant looking for a sports-centered chiropractic physician to help keep you healthy, please reach out to our office, we’d love to help you!


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How to Recover Like a Pro

Pro athlete recovery

Recovery is the process of returning to a normal state of health, mind, and strength. In the context of training, the ability to “Recover” means not just returning to normal, but even better than before.

For our overview of How to Recover Properly, see Here

When it comes to gaining strength, improving running times, or improving in sports, much of the emphasis is on the intensity and frequency of training, but little attention is paid to the quality of recovery. Proper Recovery is a multi-factorial paradigm that requires active participation in aligning your nutrition, active rest, and modalities with your training schedule.


The first and most important aspect of recovery is what you are (or aren’t) putting into your body. This includes foods, liquids, and supplements

fruits and vegetablesOne of the primary goals of recovery is to mitigate inflammation, meaning consuming anti-inflammatory foods such as

  • Berries/Cherries
  • Salmon
  • Brocolli/Peppers/Mushrooms/Spinach/Kale
  • Avocado
  • Walnuts/Almonds
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil

In addition to reducing consumption of pro-inflammatory foods such as

  • Fried Foods (French Fries, Chicken Fingers
  • Processed Carbohydrates (Bagels, Flour Tortillas, Breakfast Cereal)
  • Soda (Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Mountain Dew)

Making these food choices alone can have a profound impact on your body’s ability to fight off inflammation and recover properly from training.



It can be challenging at times to eat all of the proper foods every day, which is why recommend supplementing the nutrients that you are not able to get in your diet on a daily basis.

The supplements listed in this article are general guidelines and we always recommend that you consult your physician if you are planning on taking supplements.

If you are interested in a customized supplement protocol for your body, you can book an appointment with our functional Medicine Physician Here.

Supplements that have been shown to aid in recovery include:

  • Omega-3 Fish Oil
  • Co-Q10
  • Glutamine
  • L-Arginine

vitamins and supplements


While there is certainly value in simply putting your feet up relaxing on the couch during an off day, there is also value in being active on your off days in order to promote blood flow and mobility for recovery. We generally recommend to our patients that they move every day, whether that be a walk, a 15-minute stretch, or swim in the ocean, a daily dose of movement goes a long way.

Activities that we consider to be “Active Recovery Include”

  • Low-Intensity Cardio (Walking, Hiking, Casual Swimming)
  • Stretching or Mobility Work
  • Deload or Light Sessions in the gym


Being under the care of a clinician or therapist trained in sports medicine can be an invaluable tool to enhance your recovery from training. Not only will these providers have access to tools to expedite your recovery but can also give you a comprehensive assessment to determine which areas may need more recovery or correction than others.

If you would like to schedule a comprehensive Movement Assessment with one of our providers Click Here!

Some Specific Modalities and Treatments that can enhance your recovery include

Hands on manual care from a trained provider is one of the most valuable investments you can make into your health and recovery. Professional Athletes often invest thousands of dollars annually into their “Recovery Team” to ensure that their nutrition, manual therapy, and corrective exercise is custom tailored to their specific needs.

Dry NeedlingProgramming

In addition to eating right, moving often and utilizing recovery therapies, properly programming and peroidizing your training will also ensure that you have an appropriate balalnce of breaking down your muscles and re-building your muscles.

Most times, individuals just continue to train hard year-round and only take time off for injuries or illness. While, injury and illness are often your body telling you that you are overtraining, we advocate that you take planned deload weeks during the year every 4-12 weeks to recover form a given training phase and prepare your body physically, mentally and metabolically for the next phase of training.

In addition to planning deloads, it is important to also measure your progress to ensure that your weekly volume does not exceed what you are able to recovery from. Weeks and monthly of trianing above threshold will result in “overtraining” and will not allow your body to adapt and supercompensate from training.


For more informative videos about this topic and many more, please visit our Youtube channel as well as our Instagram Page.


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What does it mean to move well?

Yoga Exercise hallandale beach

For our Sports Chiropractors at Miami Spine and Performance, we consider movement quality to be one of the most important diagnostic criteria for an individual’s musculoskeletal health. We use movement to assess, treat and re-assess our patients to ensure that they are meeting their own personal goals and build long-term resiliency to stay injury-free. Below we will discuss how good movement is defined in our current healthcare and fitness systems as well as how we approach it at our own clinic.

The Current State of “Movement”

In 2020 there is a wealth of information available through Google, Youtube, continuing education, books, audiobooks, and distance learning in the world today, many individuals have a wealth of information at their fingertips. Having all of this information available and individuals taking learning into their own hands rather than through traditional means (modern academics, master’s degree, doctorate degree), it can be hard to know who what professional you can turn to. This is particularly true in the world of movement medicine, rehabilitation and training. Many physicians are implementing manual therapy, rehabilitation, and training in order to reduce pain and improve movement quality of their patients. Likewise, many trainers are becoming educated in manual therapy and using “prehab” with their clients to not only improve fitness but also improve the quality of movement and prevent injuries.

All of the different professions in conservative healthcare and fitness (chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, strength and conditioning coaches, sports coaches and personal trainers) are becoming more educated on biomechanics, anatomy, and movement, there is an excellent opportunity for potential patients and clients to have access to an expert, but it can also be challenging to know which type of provider to see. Some conditions will require that you see a physician and be given an appropriate diagnosis while others may just be based upon poor movement mechanics and can be corrected with corrective exercise alone. 

It is our job as sports chiropractors and movement specialists to address what pieces may be missing in assessing and treatment movement impairment disorders as well as laying down some foundational principles for defining high-quality movement.

How can we objectively define good movement quality?

Every individual has different goals. For example, Alex Honohold, the legendary free-solo climber, for example, needs an incredible amount of dexterity and strength at end range whereas Terrence Crawford, the number one pound for pound boxer in the world, requires the ability to make subtle reactionary movements combined with quick bursts of power transferred from the hips to the hands. With this in mind, should every individual is held to separate movement standards depending upon their goals and lifestyle? And if your goals change, should the approach to movement, therapy, and function also change?

It is the responsibility of your healthcare professional to prepare you for not only the movement you currently do but also movements you want to do. Of course, a thorough activity and medical history are necessary to know your starting point and any limitations you may have going forward, but within the physiological limitations of your body, we are responsible for creating a system that is designed for fitness.

The next question that must be considered is, should we care more about movements or joints? Is there a required degree of ankle, hip, and midback range of motion that should be mandatory for an individual to perform an overhead squat. Elite athletes are masters at compensating to perform, so should we only be worried about whether or not you can perform the movement pain-free and chalk the rest up to individual variation?

The truth is, there ought to be a hierarchy when we are preparing an individual for movements. We know that if each joint is able to move through a full range of motion for that individual free of pain or obstruction, that we are prepared for much of the demands of activities of daily life and sport. This is where the relationship between physicians, trainers, sports coaches becomes crucial. A team approach is necessary for any individual to excel. The role of the physician is to prepare the patient or athlete for sport-specific activity.

Take Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for example. If we see a Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioner in our office, it is most likely because they performed or were forced by their partner to perform a hip movement for which their body was not prepared. As a result, their body responded with the protective measures of producing pain and obstruction to a movement that required medical attention. Once we abolished the patient’s pain and restored the hip to its original state before the injury, is this where we should stop? What have we done to ensure the patient we have taken measures to prevent further injury, that is just as much our responsibility as treating the initial insult.

Where does this leave us? Healthcare and Performance care are on a continuum. Our job as conservative musculoskeletal healthcare and performance providers is not to build a fear-mongering environment for our patients and clients to feel that they aren’t qualified to participate in activities they enjoy but rather to build battleships, unsinkable and resilient.

To gain more insight into how to improve movement, check out our trainer series on our youtube channel where we interview movement experts throughout Hallandale Beach, Hollywood, and Aventura or our blogs, written by our movement-focused chiropractic physicians.

Miami Spine and Performance

3325 Hollywood Boulevard. Suite 204-A.

Hollywood, FL. 33021.

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We are proud to serve Hollywood, Hallandale Beach, and Aventura, FL.